Certification Committee (*ad hoc)

The Certification Committee encourages certification as a measure of professional qualification and recognition for collection system operators, laboratory specialists, and any future certification programs to promote the employment of trained and efficient personnel in the water industry.

The certification committee maintains both the laboratory practices subcommittee and the collection system subcommittee which oversees the Laboratory Analyst Certification Program and the Collection Systems Certification Program respectively.

Learn more about our certification programs!

Join us today! Apply online >>

Contact Info

Ken Conaty, Chair
Phone: (603) 660-8674



What does the Certification Committee do?

• Administer NEWEA-sponsored certification programs by developing uniform rules, regulation forms, and examination procedures to ensure utmost integrity for all programs

• Provide guidance to the Lab Practices and Collection Systems Certification technical subcommittees charged with maintaining, updating and administering their certification program training and exam content

• Maintain and promote certification opportunities to existing and prospective NEWEA-sponsored certification programs for water industry professionals

• Participate in public outreach activities to promote academic and public awareness of technical challenges and occupational opportunities in the water and wastewater community

How often do we meet?

• Meeting and Luncheon at the Annual Conference and Spring Conference

• Conference Calls monthly or as needed

Why should you join us?

• Currently we hold Ad Hoc committee status that allows us to explore ideas on improving policies and procedures related to the certification process

• Your input and ideas are most welcome to help shape the future of the programs to be offered

• We appreciate learning new ideas and perspectives from all NEWEA members in each State

See what we’ve accomplished.

Our Ad Hoc Certification committee was formed in January 2020. Steady progress to develop protocols has been made despite the virus-related restrictions placed on our members who continue to perform their professional practices. We recognize their diligence and dedication over the past several years, as we work together to address and improve the procedures related to the certification programs.