Young Professional Mentoring Program

At the 2018 Annual Conference, the Young Professional (YP) Committee unveiled the Mentoring Program. The program, which will last 12 months, pairs a Young Professional (YP) new to NEWEA with seasoned mentors from the NEWEA network. The program gives participants the opportunity to form a working relationship with a mentor, which will expand their network and introduce them to various facets of the water environment industry. Ultimately, we hope the Mentoring Program will foster lifelong relationships.

This program, which will run from January 2025 to January 2026, also gives a YP opportunities to attend future NEWEA events and introduce them to NEWEA, WEF, and associated organizations to help them broaden their professional horizons.

The Mentoring Program isn’t only great for mentees: it can also enrich the experience of mentors by giving them a fresh perspective on the incoming wave of water environment professionals.

Participants will be paired with a mentor by the 2025 NEWEA Annual Conference. You can apply at any time during the year, but applications received after December 13, 2024 will be held until the next year.

At this point in time, the requirements of the Mentoring Program are as follows:

Mentor Requirements:

  1. Must be a current NEWEA member in good standing.
  2. Has over 15 years of experience in the water/wastewater industry.
  3. Filled out pairing application by the above deadline to be considered for this cycle of the program.
  4. Communicate at least every three months with your mentee. This could be a phone call, video call, email correspondence, or a lunch. This amounts to at least four communications over the duration of the program.
  5. Must complete the program’s exit survey, with your mentee, at the program’s end.
  6. If possible, attend the Mentoring Program Graduation at the Annual Conference held each year in January.

Mentee Requirements:

  1. Must be a current NEWEA member in good standing.
  2. Is a student or within the first 10 years of their water/wastewater industry career.
  3. Filled out pairing application by the above deadline to be considered for this cycle of the program.
  4. Communicate at least every three months with your mentor. This could be a phone call, video call, email correspondence, or a lunch. This amounts to at least four communications over the duration of the program.
  5. Must complete the program’s exit survey, with your mentor, at the program’s end.
  6. If possible, attend the Mentoring Program Graduation at the Annual Conference held each year in January.

***Please note, the requirements listed above are the minimum. If paired with a mentor/mentee, we encourage active participation in the Mentoring Program. ***

Please contact Ryan Buckley or Emily Korot, YP Mentorship Subcommittee for more information.

Mentor Application>>

Mentee Application>>