Government Affairs
NEWEA’s Government Affairs Committee is responsible for keeping abreast of, providing comment, and testifying on existing and proposed legislation; developing guidelines and position papers, and providing resolution on regulations and other issues related to the water environment. The committee also conducts activities to promote better understanding of regional water related issues including coordinating with other professional associations, i.e., NACWA, AWWA, ACEC, NEWWA, WEF, APWA, etc., with regards to legislative and regulatory issues of mutual concern. At NEWEA’s annual conference, the committee presents sessions related to wastewater regulations and legislative issues. Find your elected official here >>
NEWEA Congressional Briefing
The NEWEA Congressional Briefing is an annual hallmark for the Association and its Government Affairs program. The Briefing is identified as a forum to communicate, convey, and establish NEWEA’s reputation for serving as a source of information about water pollution control issues and progress as it relates collectively and individually to the states. More >>
Advocacy Toolkit
NEWEA’s Government Affairs Committee has created an advocacy toolkit to help you become more involved with engaging elected officials and the public on important water issues. View Toolkit >>
Water Advocates Program
WEF’s Water Advocates Program is a simple and effective way for you to become more involved with engaging elected officials and the public on important water issues. More >>
Policy & Position Statements
NEWEA has developed a series of position statements and resolutions. Under the leadership of the Government Affairs Committee and with direction from NEWEA technical committees these documents are provided as a resource to the membership, other clean water professionals, our legislative bodies, and the general public to provide an understanding of how we as an industry value and strive for the availability of clean water. New position papers are added as we meet new issues related to clean water. View NEWEA’s Policy & Position Statements >>
Invest in Water Video
NEWEA’s Government Affairs Committee produced the Invest in Water video, which features interviews with water industry leaders from throughout New England discussing the hardships facing water professionals, utilities, and infrastructure during the pandemic and beyond. This video aims to educate and encourage elected officials to invest their time, support, and funding into the water industry.