Innovation Council
NEWEA’s Innovation Council is responsible for fostering connections between innovators in public, private, non-profit and academic organizations to bring new solutions to sustain water quality. The Council is also responsible for organizing networking and knowledge sharing events that highlight water innovation in New England, such as Pitch Nights and the Innovation Pavilion.
View our event page to learn more about upcoming events and watch recordings of previous events.
NEWEA and the Northeast Water Innovation Network (NEWIN) merged in January 2020, incorporating NEWIN as the Innovation Council within NEWEA. The Innovation Council now represents the New England Water Cluster, as NEWIN formerly did. WEF, the Steward of the Water Cluster Program, defines a water cluster as the “regional groupings of businesses, government, research institutions, and other organizations focused on innovative technologies for clean water.” NEWEA is the first WEF Member Association to complete a merger with a water innovation association and dedicate a council to water innovation.
This Council is led by Council Director Michael Murphy and comprised of former NEWEA Innovation Task Force members and NEWIN Board members, as well as others. Additionally, the Council has been expanding through partnerships with individuals and companies who join as Water Innovation Partners. To join the committee or learn more, visit our Innovation Committee page.
Water Innovation Partnership
Individuals and organizations can enroll as a Water Innovation Partner at one of five tiered levels, which each offer a variety of customizable opportunities. You will meet with a NEWEA Innovation Council leader to develop an on-boarding plan to maximize your membership in alignment with your business priorities. For more details see our partnership descriptions on our Water Innovation Partnership page, and contact us for more information.
Innovative/Alternative Onsite Wastewater Treatment Systems Task Force
The I/A OWTS Task Force works to accelerate new parcel and cluster level OWTS technologies into the market, targeting Nitrogen effluent levels of <10 mg/L. We are collaborating with US EPA Southeast New England Program (SNEP) which includes Rhode Island, the Massachusetts South Coast, and the islands of Nantucket, Martha’s Vineyard and Block Island. Ultimately, these systems will have applicability to all New England and beyond. Learn more >>