Innovative/Alternative Onsite Wastewater Treatment Systems Task Force
The I/A OWTS Task Force works to accelerate new parcel and cluster level OWTS technologies into the market, targeting Nitrogen effluent levels of <12 mg/L. We are collaborating with US EPA Southeast New England Program (SNEP) which includes Rhode Island, the Massachusetts South Coast, and the islands of Nantucket, Martha’s Vineyard and Block Island. Ultimately, these systems will have applicability to all New England and beyond. For more information, please visit our Task Force resources page.
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(Sign up for the Innovation Committee and contact Task Force Chair)
Contact Info
Bruce Walton, Chair
Phone: 617-633-5065
What does the Innovative/Alternative Onsite Wastewater Treatment Systems Task Force Committee do?
We collaborate with innovators, water utilities and regulators and NGOs to enable viable solutions to be brought to market faster and more economically
How often do we meet?
Monthly conference calls at noon on the second Thursday of the month
Why should you join us?
To help solve local water quality problems and have global impact
See what we’ve accomplished.
Visit our Task Force resources page