Bylaws Committee

The Bylaws Committee recommends and prepares proposed amendments to the Constitution and Bylaws at the request of the Executive Committee, and submits approved changes to the membership for adoption, and to the Water Environment Federation Constitution and Bylaws Committee for their review to assure harmony with Federation documents.  The Bylaws Committee also ensures coordination between the NEWEA Constitution and Bylaws and the NEWEA Organizational Manual.

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Contact Info

James Barsanti, Chair
Phone: 508-907-5056

Ray Willis, Vice Chair


What does the Bylaws Committee do?

  • Work with NEWEA leadership to advise on ByLaws questions. When necessary, revise ByLaws to align with changing needs of the organization and work with WEF on approvals.

How often do we meet?

  • As needed when a ByLaws issue arises.

Why should you join us?

  • If you have a good understanding of NEWEA, WEF and are willing to review changes to move the organization forward.

See what we’ve accomplished.

  • New Membership categories
  • Added NEWIN as Innovation Council