Youth Education Committee
The Youth Education Committee has three main goals, we:
1. Promote education and stewardship of one of our most precious resource, Water, to our most precious resource, our Children.
2. Attracting the younger generation to a rewarding career in the water environment industry.
3. Encourage professional and public participation in outreach and educational opportunities through support, guidance, training and resource materials.
Committee members develop educational materials; organize, promote and run educational events; and build relationships between the water quality industry and our New England communities. See how many children we’ve reached >>
Join us today! Apply online >>
Contact Info
Danielle Gallant, Chair
Phone: 401-457-0321
Kerry Reed, Vice Chair
What does the Youth Education Committee do?
- Mr & Mrs Fish Program
- Stockholm Jr. Water Prize
- World Water Monitoring Day
- Education Outreach / Schoolkit Teacher Survey
How often do we meet?
- Monthly virtual meeting
- At the Annual Conference
- Annual meeting to judge Stockholm Junior Water Prize
Why should you join us?
- The Youth Education Committee is fun, active, and accomplished
- Your outreach, education, and/or marketing skills can help us advance our mission
- Chance to extend your knowledge beyond your industry, to local children, teachers, and communities
See what we’ve accomplished.
- Revised Career Brochure for water quality industry
- Created Education/Outreach Materials
- Annual Teacher Trainings rotating through the New England States
- Teacher training at the Waterworks Museum in Boston in Summer 2015
- Mr. and Mrs. Fish performance at the NEWEA Spring Meeting
- NEWEA Schoolkit presentations in various locations around New England – see how many children we’ve reached >>