Document Repository

1. AC20_LSekuler - Development of an Asset Management Roadmap Propelled by Work Team Initiatives - Len Sekuler, Arcadis, Sowmya Bhimanadhuni, Arcadis, Alton Echols, Loudoun Water, VA, Jessica Dzara, Loudoun Water, VA

1. AC20_ZJaffe - 3D GIS and Asset Management - Zachary Jaffe, LandTech Consultants, Andrea Taveres, LandTech Consultants, Chris Lorain, LandTech Consultants

1.1_David_Nowak - Session 1: Utility Management: Maintaining Service During Water Reclamation Facility Upgrades: David Nowak, Joseph Rigney, Delve Underground; Solai Sundaram, Greeley and Hansen

1.2 – BrowerBill - Session 1: GHG 101: Measuring and Mitigating Climate Impacts from Wastewater Operations Bill Brower, Brown and Caldwell; Janine Burke-Wells, North East Biosolids & Residuals Association

1.3_Hross_Matthew - Session 1 - Overcoming the Challenges of a Minimum Continuous UV Dose Requirement for Disinfection of Secondary Effluent† Matthew Hross, Hazen and Sawyer

1.4 Keleher Kara - Session 1: Sewer Systems Are Like Your Arteries: You Want to Keep Them Flowing Kara Keleher, Donald Gallucci, Weston & Sampson; Dylan Ludy, City of Worcester