2018 Residuals & Microconstituents Conference
NEWEA_ResMicro18_LKrowitz - PFAS Analysis of Soils—What to Expect and How to Evaluate the Data • Lisa Krowitz, TRC
NEWEA_ResMicro18_MWade - PFAS Confirmed—Now What Do We Do? • Marilyn Wade, Brown and Caldwell
NEWEA_ResMicro18_NBeecher - Update on NEBRA’s Regional PFAS Education and Outreach Efforts • Ned Beecher, NEBRA
NEWEA_ResMicro18_NBeecher_Panel - State of PFAS Regulations Update and discussion on PFAS regulations from Federal and New England states. Speakers include: Carla Hopkins, ME DEP; Brandon Kernen, NH DES and Eamon Twohig, VT DEC. Facilitator: Ned Beecher, NEBRA
NEWEA_ResMicro18_SConnelly - What has PFAS done to Land Application in the Northeast? • Shelagh Connelly, RMI
NEWEA_ResMicro18_TToskos - Regulatory, Technical and Communication Challenges for Licensed Environmental Remediation Professionals • Ted Toskos, Woodard and Curran
Res18_Agenda - NEWEA Joint Residuals & Microconstituents Conference & Exhibit October 15, 2018 UMASS Conference Center, Lowell, MA