2018 Industrial Wastewater Conference
Ind18_Agenda - 2018 Industrial Wastewater Conference was held on Monday, June 25th at the Cataqua Public House in Portsmouth, NH.
IndWW18_ARamsey - Redhook Industrial Pretreatment - Challenges and Opportunities of Pretreating Brewery Wastewater - Alex Ramsey, Redhook/Cisco Brewery and Chris Harvey, Veolia
IndWW18_MCurtis - Quantum Biopower - WE WANT OUT! Turning a Regulated Discharge into a Product - Mike Curtis, Quantum BioPower
IndWW18_PWiley - Industrial Treatment at the Pease Wastewater Treatment Facility - Patick Wiley, City of Portsmouth, NH
IndWW18_TDesmarais - Industrial Pretreatment and Portsmouth - Relationships Built from Permitting and Regulating Industries - Terry Desmarais, City of Portsmouth, NH