2014 Collection Systems Conference
NEWEA_CS14_IMello - City of Milford, CT Combats Odor & Corrosion with Oxygen -Inken Mello, ECO Oxygen Technologies; Jim Cooper, City of Milford, CT
NEWEA_CS14_JGould - Winn’s Brook Area Sewer Overflow Mitigation -Justin Gould, Fay, Spofford & Thorndike
NEWEA_CS14_JHausmann - A Proactive Approach to Assessing and Managing the Wastewater Collection System -Joseph Hausmann, Wright Pierce; William Brink, Stamford WPCA
NEWEA_CS14_LPerkins - Building a Dynamic, Consent Decree—Approved Model from the Ground Up, City of Fitchburg -Laurie Perkins and Matthew Corbin, Wright-Pierce
NEWEA_CS14_MMcManus - Looking at the Whole Picture in Woods Hole -Michael McManus and Michael Schrader, Tighe & Bond, Inc.
NEWEA_CS14_SFitzgerals - When MOM’s Happy, Everyone’s Happy -Sean Fitzgerald, Hazen and Sawyer; Steve Tilson, Tilson & Assoc.