2022 IA OWTS Septic System Funding Webinar
I-A Septic Funding Webinar - Agenda for I/A Septic Systems Funding & Financing, May 3, 2022 Webinar. Hosted by NEWEA's Onsite Wastewater Treatment Systems Task Force Watch Video recording at https://vimeo.com/manage/videos/708204200
IA_03Ma22_SNEP - SNEP Overview - Ian Dombroski, EPA Region 1
IA_03May22_EPA - Financing Decentralized Wastewater Treatment Systems - Heidi Faller, EPA
IA_03May22_EPA_FinancingDecentralizedWastewaterTreatmentSystems - Financing Decentralized Wastewater Treatment Systems (Pathways to Success with the Clean Water State Revolving Fund Program) - EPA Publication
IA_03May22_HorsleyWrittenGroup_PleasantBayWatershed - Funding for I/A Septic Systems Brewster, MA - Mark Nelson, Horsley Witten Group
IA_03May22_MassDEP-CleanWaterTrust - Overview of Financing Programs - The MA Clean Water Trust
IA_03May22_QuantifiedVentures - Innovative Financing for I/A Septic Technologies and Management - Quantified Ventures