2021 CSO Webinar
.CSO21 Webinar Agenda - This webinar offered on March 3, 2021 will continue the discussion and focus on three New England CSO notification programs (the Hartford Metropolitan District (MDC), Boston Water and Sewer Commission (BWSC), and the Narragansett Bay Commission (NBC)) that use public-facing websites to report real-time CSO data. We will also discuss the new Massachusetts CSO Notification Rule (January 2021). Our webinar will finish with a round table discussion of CSO notification program challenges with speakers from both of our webinars.
CS021_Webinar_RMcGinnis - NBC Update - Russ McGinnis
CSO21_Webinar_CJewell - BWSC Update - Charlie Jewell
CSO21_Webinar_WaterburyObrien - Hartford MDC Update - Jason Waterbury and Michael O'Brien