2016 Laboratory Conference
Lab16_Agenda - Laboratory Practices Conference 2016 Agenda
NEWEA_LAB16_KSmith - LIMS - A Progressive Data Exchange Program Kathy Smith, Narragansett Bay Commission
NEWEA_LAB16_LDavidowski - The Detection of Metal-Based Nanoparticles in Environment Matrices by a Single Particle ICP-MS Lee Davidowski, PerkinElmer
NEWEA_LAB16_MDelaney - MWRA Data Integrity & Ethics Michael Delaney, MWRA
NEWEA_LAB16_MDelaney1 - Looking Back at Our New LIMS Michael Delaney, MWRA
NEWEA_LAB16_NLough - The Electronic Laboratory Notebook (ELN): Design and Implementations of a Wastewater Laboratory Nora Lough, Narragansett Bay Commission
NEWEA_LAB16_PDesrosiers - Overview of Field's Point BNR Process Paul Desrosiers, Narragansett Bay Commission
NEWEA_LAB16_PMoss - LIMS - Managing Critical Data in the Small Laboratory Pam Moss, HACH
NEWEA_LAB16_WPalm - Laboratory Data Echange for Small Treatment Facilities Walter Palm, Narragansett Bay Commission