2018 Stormwater Conference
Storm18_Agenda - Final Agenda for NEWEA's 2018 Stormwater Specialty Conference,"Enhancing Stormwater Resilience in the Built Environment". The two-day event included concurrent sessions, green infrastructure tour, networking at Portsmouth Brewery and Stormwater Finance Workshop hosted by NEEFC.
Storm18_BBoulanger - Harnessing Technical Assistance and Tools to Access and Plan for Stormwater Funding Moderator: Jack Kartez, New England Environmental Finance Center Bill Boulanger, Utilities Superintendent, Dover, NH Tom Ballestero and James Houle, UNH Stormwater Center
Storm18_BCallahan - Miami Beach Case Study — Advancing Strategy of Green & Grey Infrastructure Towards Advancing Coastal Resilience – Bernadette Callahan, Stantec
Storm18_CBrown - Keynote: Building Stormwater - Resilient Communities: Encouraging Community Involvement to Soak Up the Rain – Cindy Brown, US EPA Region 1 and Lisa Loosigian, NH DES
Storm18_greenwood - Rhode Island’s Resiliency Efforts – Jan Greenwood, Woodard & Curran and Shaun O'Rourke, State of RI
Storm18_Jacques - Piece by Piece: Funding Targeted Resiliency Projects Through a Phased Approach – Paul Jacques, Woodard & Curran and Braydon Marot, Town of Weymouth, MA
Storm18_JHellendrungJOldenburger - A Resiliency State of Mind: Living with the Bay Resiliency Strategy – Jason Hellendrung and Jake Oldenburger, Tetra Tech
Storm18_JLachmayrKEdwards - Resilient Bylaws & Ordinances – Jennifer Kelly Lachmayr and Kathryn Edwards, Arcadis
Storm18_LLoosigian - Keynote: Building Stormwater - Resilient Communities: Encouraging Community Involvement to Soak Up the Rain – Cindy Brown, US EPA Region 1 and Lisa Loosigian, NH DES
Storm18_MCosta - Designing for the Impact of Future Climate Conditions – Mark Costa, VHB