2021 Innovation Webinar (I/A Septic Systems)
.I-A Septic Webinar Agenda - Innovation Committee hosted a webinar on "Update on a New Generation of Enhanced I/A Septic Systems". This event was held online on September 15, 2021.
Innovation_15Sep21_IDombroski - Overview of EPA Workshop Series: “Developing & Evaluating Promising Technology: Pushing the Ball Forwards on I/A Septic Systems” - Ian Dombroski, EPA Region 1
Innovation_15Sep21_SHorsley - Management of Enhanced I&A Septic Systems - Scott Horsley, Water Resources Consultant
Innovation_15Sept21_BBaumgaertel - BUILDING A WASTEWATER TOOLBOX HOW ONSITE IASTEWATER INFRASTRUCTURE CAN HELP CLEAN UP OUR WATER - Brian Baumgaertel, Director, Massachusetts Alternative Septic System Test Center Senior Environmental Specialist, Barnstable County Department of Health and Environment