2015 Northeast Residuals & Biosolids Conference
1-Sierra-BiosolidsPlanning-NESymposium-19Oct2015 - Biosolids Planning From an End Use Perspective – Natalie Sierra, Brown and Caldwell
10-Abouhend-AlgalGranulesResearch-NESymposium-19Oct2015 - Algal Sludge Granules as a Novel Technique for Wastewater Treatment – Ahmed S. Abouhend, Univ. of MA
11-Brown-BiosolidsCarbon-NESymposium-19Oct2015 - Use of Biosolids Product as a Carbon Source for Biological Nutrient Removal – Jeanette Brown, Manhattan College
12-Fava_Brown_URI_RoadsideBiosolidsUses-NESymposium-19Oct2015 - Use of Stabilized Biosolids and Composts to Promote Establishment & Persistence of Perennial Vegetation Along Rhode Island Roads – Edwin Fava, Rebecca Brown, and Jose Amador, URI
2-LeBlanc-DunbrackComebackPublicOutreach-NESymposium-19Oct2015-copy-drvh - N-Viro Halifax: The Dunbrack Comeback – Lise LeBlanc, Walker Environmental & LP Consulting
3-Hankins-MattabassettTechnology-NESymposium-19Oct2015 - Challenges in Selecting New Biosolids Treatment & Disposal Equipment for the Mattabassett WPCF, Cromwell, CT – Doug Hankins, Wright-Pierce
4-Wright-MaximizingPrimarySolids-NESymposium-19Oct2015 - Towards Net-Zero Energy in Wastewater: Demonstration of Clear Cove’s Harvester Technology – Alex Wright, Clear Cove & Mark Greene, O'Brien & Gere
5-Fulford-Composting-NESymposium-19Oct2015 - Biofilter Odor Control, Water Reclamation, and Compost Heat Recovery – Bruce Fulford & Brian Jerose, City Soil Greenhouse & Agrilab Technologies
6-Lounsbury-SoilHealth-NESymposium-19Oct2015 - Keynote: Residuals and the Soil Health Awakening – Natalie Lounsbury, PhD student, Univ. of NH - Natalie’s work focuses on practical ways farmers can improve soil health. She recently spearheaded the passage of a resolution by the Maine Legislature recognizing the importance of soils in Maine. This presentation celebrates soil health and the International Year of Soils (http://www.fao.org/soils-2015/en/, https://www.soils.org/IYS)
7-Kuter-MerrimackNHComposting-NESymposium-19Oct2015 - After 40+ Years Successfully Composting Biosolids, Merrimack NH Plans for the Future – Geoff Kuter, Agresource; Jim Taylor and Leo Gaudette, Merrimack, NH; and Richard Nicoletti, BDP Industries