Document Repository

10_AC24_JRahill - Springfield Water and Sewer Commission: Building System Resiliency – Overcoming the Challenges of the Locust Transfer Construction John Rahill, Kleinfelder Dave Szymczakiewicz, SWSC Jonnas Jacques, Kleinfelder

10_AC24_LMuscanell - I Think I Can, I Think I Can. The Little Town that Could LTCP – Leverage the Coordination Potential! Lindsey Sylvester, Wright-Pierce Lisa Muscanell-DePaola, Wright-Pierce

10_AC24_LPerkins - When Projects Collide: How the City of Haverhill Navigated Utility Coordination During Design of the Locke Street Area Sewer Separation Matthew Corbin, Wright-Pierce Laurie Perkins, Wright-Pierce

10_AC24_RWingard - The Portland Back Cove West CSO Storage Conduit, Collaborating to Protect Our Water Resources Ryan Wingard, Wright-Pierce Steve Guerrette, Wright-Pierce

10-Abouhend-AlgalGranulesResearch-NESymposium-19Oct2015 - Algal Sludge Granules as a Novel Technique for Wastewater Treatment – Ahmed S. Abouhend, Univ. of MA

10. AC20_ARozen - Revenue through Energy Savings and Generation - Alex Rozen, JKMuir, Jen Muir, JKMuir, Molly Keleher, JKMuir

10. AC20_CCastellon - Designing Energy Efficiency and Nitrogen Removal Optimization for a Major WPCF Upgrade in Southington, CT - Cynthia Castellon, Tighe & Bond, Chris Bone, Tighe & Bond