2022 Annual Conference
AC22_Session30_TAdams - A Risk-based Approach to Prepare Utility Infrastructure for Storms Ahead—Considerations of a Proactive Utility in Coastal Virginia - Timothy Adams and Lauren Miller, CDM Smith
AC22_Session4_CZuerndorfer - Hybrid Biofilter for Biosolids Odor Control - Carol Zuerndorfer, Brown and Caldwell
AC22_Session4_DSong - Feasibility and Design of Biosolids Drying at Lewiston Auburn Water Pollution Control Authority WWTP - Don Song, Brown and Caldwell and Paula Drouin, Lewiston-Auburn Water Pollution Control Authority
AC22_Session4_JBurkeWells - Results from the Second National Biosolids Regulation, Quality, End Use, and Disposal Survey - Janine Burke-Wells and Ned Beecher, Northeast Biosolids & Residuals Association and Jennifer Lichtensteiger, NEIWPCC
AC22_Session5 – SWoodland - Government Affairs Panel: The Great Bay Total Nitrogen General Permit— Suzanne Woodland, City of Portsmouth, NH
AC22_Session5_EWeitzler - Government Affairs Panel: The Great Bay Total Nitrogen General Permit— Ellen Weitzler, EPA
AC22_Session5_TDiers - Government Affairs Panel: The Great Bay Total Nitrogen General Permit— Ted Diers, NH DES
AC22_Session5- 1st Panel - Government Affairs Panel: The Great Bay Total Nitrogen General Permit—
AC22_Session6_ERoworth_JForgue - Proactive Asset Management of Newport’s Wastewater and Stormwater Systems Contributes to Performance Improvements - Ed Roworth, Jacobs; Julia Forgue and Rob Shultz, City of Newport, RI
AC22_Session6_LPerkins_KChan - Hitting a 20-year Capital Grand Slam in Gloucester - Karen Chan and Laurie Perkins, Wright-Pierce