2020 Annual Conference & Exhibit

26. AC20_DCheng - Dip Your Toe into the Water—Alternative Analysis of Crossing Massachusetts’ Largest River - Debbie Cheng, Kleinfelder, Gus O’Leary, Kleinfelder

26. AC20_JRahill - Boston Water and Sewer Commission—Real-time Predictive Modeling for the Dorchester Interceptor - John Rahill, Kleinfelder, Kenneth Yu, Kleinfelder

26. AC20_KMignone - How Bangor, ME Expanded a 20-year old Storage Facility Threefold Along a Vibrant Waterfront - Kate Mignone, AECOM, Gregory Heath, AECOM, Andy Rudzinski, City of Bangor, ME, John Theriault, City of Bangor, ME

27. AC20_CKuo-Dahab - New Directions for Side-stream Nutrient Recovery at Municipal Water Resource Recovery Facilities - W. Camilla Kuo-Dahab, Brown and Caldwell

27. AC20_JReade - The Role of Aerobic Granular Sludge in Biological Nutrient Removal - Jeffrey Reade, AECOM, Beverley Stinson, AECOM

27. AC20_MBurns - New Options for Slow-Speed Dewatering— Another Technology in the Engineer’s Toolbox - Matthew Burns, Wright-Pierce, Bryan Levitt, City of Bath, ME

27. AC20_WMcConnell - Achieving Nutrient Removal in High-Purity Oxygen Systems - William McConnell, CDM Smith

28. AC20_BAgrawal - Identifying Green Infrastructure Opportunites for Phosphorus Reduction Within Boston’s MS4 - Benjamin Agrawal, Hazen and Sawyer, Charles Wilson, Hazen and Sawyer, Charlie Jewell, Boston Water and Sewer Commission

28. AC20_MDrainville - How Provincetown, MA used Porous Pavement to Reduce Beach Closures and Ended Up With an Unexpected Benefit - Marc Drainville, GHD, Russ Kleekamp, GHD, Sandra Tripp, GHD, Richard Waldo, Town of Provincetown, MA

28. AC20_PEnright - Richard Waldo, Town of Provincetown, MA Downstream Sediment Interception— a Unique BMP Application - Peter Enright, WSP