2015 CSO/WWI Conference
CSO15_JdeMello - There is an App for That! SSO Mobile Application Achieves Better Reporting - Justin deMello, Woodard & Curran
CSO15_JLefkowitz - How the Internet of Things Can Help Communities Better Manage Urban Stormwater - Marcus Quigley and Jamie Lefkowitz\, OptiRTC
CSO15_KGoyette - How the West Was Dug: Integrating CSO Abatement and Stormwater Management through Renewed Urban Infrastructure in the City of Cambridge, MA - Kate Goyette and Ed Mitiguy, Kleinfelder
CSO15_Kumar - Agile Stormwater Programs and Incentives Drive Cost Effective Long-Term Control Plan Compliance - Philip Pickering, Philadelphia Water Dept. and Prabha, Kumar, Black & Veatch
CSO15_KWeiss - Implementing Integrated Wet Weather Solutions in a Digital World - Kevin Weiss, U.S. EPA
CSO15_LPerkins - I/I Removal, Combined Sewer Separation, or Treatment Expansion—the Trifecta of Integrated Planning in Rockland, ME - Laurie Perkins, Wright-Pierce
CSO15_MDodson - Decatur WAY Green Alley - Michael Dodson, CDM Smith
CSO15_Melendy - Sucess Stories and Lessons Learned in Exeter and Portsmouth, NH Including Private I/I Mitigation for CSO Control - Cole Melendy, Underwood Engineers
CSO15_MHughes - A Pilot Study of CSO Treatment Using Cloth Media Filtration Technology - Mark Hughes, Aqua-Aerobic Systems
CSO15_MJones - Green Infrastructure in New York City—Three Years of Pilot Implementation and Post-Construction Monitoring - Matthew Jones, Hazen and Sawyer