2022 Annual Conference
AC22_Session12_KMcDermott - Innovative Uses of GIS for Wastewater Collection O&M - Laurie Perkins and Kean McDermott, Wright-Pierce
AC22_Session12_LQuackenbush - Adapting Collection System Infrastructure to Changing Flood Vulnerabilities—Wareham Massachusetts Case Study - Lenna Quackenbush and Anastasia Rudenko, GHD
AC22_Session12_PGarvey - How Wastewater Testing Helped to Improve Covid Outcomes in Chelsea, MA - Peter Garvey and David Bedoya, Dewberry; Barry Keppard, Metropolitan Area Planning Control; and Louis Mammolette, City of Chelsea, MA
AC22_Session13_ETaher - Correlating Operational Conditions to Activated Sludge Microbial Community in One Year of an A2O Process - Edris Taher; Karla Sangrey; and Tim Loftus, Upper Blackstone Clean Water; and Mahsa Mehrdad, Environmental Operating Solutions
AC22_Session13_JMetch - Increasing Removal Efficiency of Primary Settling Through Influent Solids Characterization and CFD Modeling - Jacob Metch,Hany Gerges, HDR and Sean McKelvey, City of Philadelphia, PA
AC22_Session13_PDombrowski - Optimizing Aeration Control to Meet the Needs of Process Intensification - Paul Dombrowski and Jonathan Himlan Woodard & Curran
AC22_Session13_VSrinivasan - Simulating Side-Stream EBPR (S2EBPR) in Full-Scale and Pilot-Scale Demonstration Studies: Modeling Approaches and Challenges - Varun Srinivasan, Brown and Caldwell
AC22_Session14_JMullen - Electrochemical Destruction of PFAS and 1,4-Dioxane - Jose Alvarez and Julie Bliss Mullen, Aclarity
AC22_Session14_KSansone - Holding PFAS Polluters Accountable in New England - Ken Sansone, SL Environmental Law Group
AC22_Session14_RBourdeau - PFAS in Stormwater—Lessons Learned and Where We’re Headed - Renee Bourdeau, Geosyntec Consultants