2016 Joint Spring Meeting
NEWEA_Spr16_TGroves - Updating Design Guidelines for Storm Resiliency - Thomas Groves, Michael Jennings, New England Interstate Water Pollution Control Commission (NEIWPCC)
NEWEA_Spr16_TNoble - Managing Climate Change Risks - Tom Noble, Kathleen McAllister, Horsley Witten Group, Inc.
NEWEA_Spr16_VLloyd - The Town of Groton, Connecticut Looks to the Future: Upgrades to the WPCF Effluent Pump Station and WPCF Resiliency - Virgil Lloyd, Fuss & O’Neill, Inc.; Chris Lund, Town of Groton, Connecticut
NEWEA_Spr16_VRoach - MS 4-Thought - Virginia Roach, P.E.
NEWEA_Spr16_WHall - The Grand Experiment for Great Bay Estuary: Confirming Whether TN Control is Justified - William Hall, John Hall, Benjamin Kirby, Hall & Associates
NEWEA_Spr2016_AKrantz - National Association of Clean Water Agencies (NACWA) – Utilities of the Future - Adam Krantz, Chief Executive Officer
NEWEA_Spr2016_JLefkowitz - How the Internet of Things Can Help Communities Better Manage Urban Stormwater Impact - Jamie Lefkowitz, Marcus Quigley, OptiRTC, Inc.