2015 Spring Meeting
NEWEA_Spr15_Sheff - CMOM in the Rain—How Portland Is Applying CMOM to Drainage System Assets – Barry Sheff, Woodard & Curran; Megan McDevitt, Woodard & Curran; and Nancy Gallinaro, City of Portland, ME
NEWEA_Spr15_Syde - 2014—A CMOM Odyssey—Modernizing New Bedford’s CMOM and Asset Management Programs – Shawn Syde, CDM Smith; Ronald Labelle, James Ricci, and Zeb Arruda, City of New Bedford, MA
NEWEA_Spr15_VanHoven - Financial Capability Assessment in the New EPA Framework – David VanHoven, MWH; Greg Baird, MWH
NEWEA_Spr15_Varghese - Minor Changes Resulting in Major Improvements to the Sewer System – Vinta Varghese, CH2M; Dingfang Liu, CH2M; and Bruce Kirkland, Greater New Haven WPCA
NEWEA_Spr15_Weare - Energy Efficiency to Energy Sustainability to Net Zero Energy User – Richard Weare, Greater Lawrence Sanitary District