2015 Spring Meeting
NEWEA_Spr15_Glinski - “A Gallon Saved is a Penny Earned”—A Case Study in Savings and Sustainability by Water Recycling and Reuse at an Industrial Facility – Ronald Burns, CHA Consulting; Michael Glinski, Twin Rivers Technologies; and Douglas Urquhart, CHA Consulting
NEWEA_Spr15_Hankins - A Model for the Future—The Mattabassett District WPCF Upgrade – William Hankins, Wright-Pierce; Brian Armet, The Mattabassett District
NEWEA_Spr15_Jermine - Blower Replacement Reduces Shelton WPCF Electric Bill by Over 20% – Matthew Jermine, Fuss O’Neill; Garritt Ogden, City of Shelton, CT
NEWEA_Spr15_Kellndorfer - Groundwater Models Gone Green: Using 2D Models to Improve Green Stormwater Infrastructure Design – Laurie Kellndorfer, CDM Smith; Matthew Gamache, CDM Smith; and Jason Cruz, Philadelphia Water Department
NEWEA_Spr15_Lundsted - Crosby Brook (Putney Road) Restoration Study Project – Ben Lundsted, Comprehensive Environmental Inc.
NEWEA_Spr15_Mahoney - Research, Regulations, Product Quality, & the Media: Biosolids in 2015 – Deborah Mahoney, Hazen and Sawyer; Ned Beecher, NEBRA
NEWEA_Spr15_OpsForum - Operator Forum- A New Hampshire Perspective Moderators: Peter Goodwin, President NHWPCA Tim Vadney, Wright-Pierce 9:15-11:45 AM Break 10:15–10:45 AM SESSION 1 Jefferson MoNDAY, JuNE 8 Spring Meeting Welcome reception (tickets required) 6:00–7:30 PM Presidential Ballroom This Panel Discussion will address current industry issues such as NPDES permitting, aging workforce, funding, and preventative maintenance, and will include representatives from four New Hampshire municipalities who will share their innovative approaches and operations for dealing with each issue. Panelists Include: – Ray Vermette, City of Dover, NH – Donna Hanscom, City of Keene, NH – David P. Bernier, North Conway, NH Water Precinct – Fred McNeill, City of Manchester, NH
NEWEA_Spr15_Parkman - Fine Sediment Treatment Pilot Test on Stormwater – Russell Parkman, GZA GeoEnvironmental, Inc.
NEWEA_Spr15_Perry - Redefining the Clean Water Act on Cape Cod – Erin Perry, Cape Cod Commission Kristy Senatori, Cape Cod Commission Paul Niedzwiecki, Cape Cod Commission Philip “Jay” Detjens, Cape Cod Commission
NEWEA_Spr15_Schreiber - Pilot-Testing Coupled with Computer Modeling Produces Improved Land- Application Design for the MFN Regional Wastewater District – Robert Schreiber, CDM Smith; Frances Bui, Buvana Ramaswamy, and David Young, CDM Smith