The CSO/Wet Weather Issues Committee focuses on wet weather related issues including policies regarding combined sewer overflows (CSO), sanitary sewer overflows (SSO), and stormwater discharges and educating members and the general public on the technical, legislative, financial, and regulatory aspects of these issues.
One of our goals is to hold a periodic Specialty Conference to showcase wet weather solutions. Over the last year, the committee has worked diligently on the development of our latest Specialty Conference. We are pleased to cordially you to attend the 2015 CSO Wet Weather Specialty Conference and Exhibit: “Implementing Integrated Wet Weather Solutions in a Digital World”. Our 2-day conference in Lowell, MA, on October 26th and 27th, will discuss how communities have adopted integrated approaches to address wet weather problems – with the intent to balance compliance costs with the myriad of NPDES permit requirements given limited resources.
We have dedicated conference sessions on:
- how the integrated approach has been used,
- maximizing wet weather treatment operations at water resource recovery facilities,
- the use of green infrastructures as an alternative approach to gray infrastructure, and
- how communities and regulatory agencies may address new E-reporting requirements.
In addition, there are presentations on wet weather planning and modeling, SSO reporting, financing and climate change, which rounds out a very robust 2-day conference. Our conference will feature a half-day field tour of Lowell Regional Wastewater Utility’s Duck Island Wastewater Treatment Plant and green infrastructure and an Exhibit Hall showing the latest technologies, equipment and expertise to address wet weather issues.
We encourage you to attend this conference to network and to learn more about what is happening in our wet weather world!
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