In New England, we’re used to blizzards. Suspended travel and downed power lines and trees trigger power generators, cleanup, and restoration. The usual. In most cases, we prove our resilience again and again just by doing our jobs. However, some utilities, due to things outside of their control like their location and the characteristics of […]
Author Archive | jmoran
Training Day Offers a Glimpse Into Operations Challenge Competition
NEWEA’s Operations Challenge Training Day was held at the Holyoke, MA Wastewater Treatment Facility on April 7th. Despite cool Spring temperatures, the event was well attended with nearly 50 attendees. Training Day is designed as an opportunity for operations challenge teams to practice and for operators and maintenance personnel to learn more about the challenge and each […]
U.S. Senator William “Mo” Cowan is Keynote Speaker NEWEA 2015 Annual Conference
New England’s Largest Water Quality Event! Join us on Monday, January 26th at the Opening Session at the New England Water Environment Association (NEWEA) Annual Conference & Exhibit for a discussion of the Massachusetts statewide election results, with a perspective from former Senator Mo Cowan, Senior Vice President and Chief Operating Officer of ML Strategies and Of […]
Wastewater Facility Safety Survey Results for 2012 Work Year
NEWEA Safety Committee: Wastewater Facility Safety Survey Results for 2012 Work Year Early in 2013, the NEWEA Safety Committee mailed its annual Wastewater Facility Safety Survey for the 2012 work year to facilities throughout the six New England states. The purpose of the annual survey is to: Increase safety awareness and minimize accidents/injuries. Gather information […]
Wastewater Facility Safety Survey Results for 2014 Work Year
Early in 2015, the NEWEA Safety Committee emailed its annual Wastewater Facility Safety Survey for the 2014 work year to facilities throughout the six New England states. The purpose of the annual survey is to: Collect regional incident and injury statistics and publish them for use by all wastewater professionals to benchmark their safety programs, […]
Water Warriors Committee Focuses on Veterans in the Workforce
Water Warriors Initiatives is a joint effort by the New England Water Environment Association (NEWEA) and our Affiliated State Associations to recruit and retain returning and retiring U.S Armed Forces veterans into the drinking water and clean water infrastructure fields. Many skills learned in the Armed Forces, particularly with equipment maintenance and science based programs, […]
Waterlink – Summer 2015
The Waterlink is a quarterly email publication published by the Newsletter Committee. Member Profile : Jessica Cajigas, NEWEA Program Chair Jessica Cajigas has been a member of NEWEA for three years serving on the Program Committee. As the Chair of this key NEWEA committee, Jessica enjoys the challenge of overseeing our many programs, coordinating activities […]
WEF HQ News: Utilities Acting on Climate Change
Earth’s land, oceans, and troposphere have been warming for many years. Projections for the U.S. from the 2014 National Climate Assessment include not only an increase in temperatures, but also other climate changes, such as an increased intensity of droughts in the Southwest and of heat waves and precipitation events throughout the U.S. Precipitation events […]
WEF Launches New Series of Training Resources for Operators
ALEXANDRIA, Va. – The Water Environment Federation has released a line of training tools to equip operators with 21st century wastewater treatment methods and practices. The series helps prepare operators for the first three levels of certification examinations and qualify for continuing education credits (CEUs). The first publication in the series, Wastewater Treatment Fundamentals I: […]
WEFTEC15 Recap: NEWEA Receives Prestigious Water Quality Award
NEWEA had an outstanding presence and participation at WEFTEC 2015 in Chicago, IL. NEWEA had three Operations Challenge teams participate (Sewer Snakes – NH, Force Maine – ME and Ocean State Alliance – RI) with New Hampshire and Maine teams taking 2nd and 3rd in the process control competition. Numerous NEWEA members in active leadership […]