NEWEA’s Operations Challenge Training Day was held at the Holyoke, MA Wastewater Treatment Facility on April 7th. Despite cool Spring temperatures, the event was well attended with nearly 50 attendees.
Training Day is designed as an opportunity for operations challenge teams to practice and for operators and maintenance personnel to learn more about the challenge and each of its five events. The events consist of analyzing and determining alkalinity and ammonia values in the laboratory event, connecting a 4-inch PVC lateral sewer to an existing 8-inch PVC sewer pipe in service at the collection event, rescuing a collapsed worker inside a manhole during the safety event, performing maintenance on and setting up for operation a Godwin NC80 4”x3” for emergency back up at a lift station, and lastly testing your intellectual skills during a written test and process simulator during the process control event. Teams from Maine, New Hampshire, and Rhode Island were present and performed each of the events to demonstrate to the audience “how it’s done”.
This year a tour of the Holyoke facility was graciously provided by facility staff as part of training day and it was much appreciated by all those that were able to take it.
Moving forward, the Operation Challenge Committee in conjunction with the Plant Operations Committee intend to move the Annual Training Day around New England and will continue to offer facility tours as part. Keep an eye out next Spring for this unique opportunity to gain knowledge and to network with fellow operators.
Want to learn more? Contact Travis Peaslee or call (207) 782-0917.
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