NEWEA had an outstanding presence and participation at WEFTEC 2015 in Chicago, IL. NEWEA had three Operations Challenge teams participate (Sewer Snakes – NH, Force Maine – ME and Ocean State Alliance – RI) with New Hampshire and Maine teams taking 2nd and 3rd in the process control competition. Numerous NEWEA members in active leadership roles participated in Committee Leadership, Ops Challenge, Stormwater, Value of Water, Membership, Awards, Board of Trustees and House of Delegates.
NEWEA Past President and long-time member, Erin Mosley was recognized as an outgoing Board of Trustee member and Howard Carter also a NEWEA Past President and long-time member, was voted as the new speaker-elect for the WEF House of Delegates.
NEWEA received the prestigious Most Outstanding Member Association from the Water Environment Federation (WEF), an international not-for-profit technical and educational water quality organization. The Most Outstanding Member Association recognizes a WEF Member Association that demonstrates Superior achievement in several performance areas.
NEWEA’s mission is to promote education and collaboration while advancing knowledge, innovation, and sound public policy for the protection of the water environment and our quality of life.
NEWEA was honored during WEFTEC® 2015, the world’s largest annual water quality conference and exhibition. The event is host to thousands of global water quality experts and exhibiting companies and was held at McCormick Place from September 26-30, 2015.
As one of 45 North American Member Associations; NEWEA is a leader in the Water Environment Federation. Get Involved!
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