NEWEA’s Young Professional (YP) committee held another successful Poo and Brew at the Hartford, CT Water Pollution Control Facility (HWPCF). The New York Water Environment Association (NYWEA), Connecticut Association of Water Pollution Control Authorities (CAWPCA), and the Connecticut Water Pollution Abatement Association (CWPAA) also co-sponsored this event.
Over 40 water professionals from New York, Connecticut, and Massachusetts came together on Saturday June 3rd to tour the HWPCF, the largest Poo and Brew to date! Tom Tyler, MDC Director of Facilities, kicked-off the event with an overview of the MDC and the multiple construction projects part of the $350 million in upgrades that are ongoing at the HWPCF to improve the overall treatment quality and resiliency of the plant, remove nitrogen to aid in the protection of the Connecticut River and the Long Island Sound, and decrease Combined Sewer Overflow discharge. Tom gave an overview of the MDC and how they holistically manage water from being the 2nd largest land owner in the State of Connecticut through their watershed lands for drinking water needs to operating the largest wastewater treatment plant in the State of Connecticut, the HWPCF. The presentation also included points which highlighted MDC safety goals, permit compliance success, and their number one resource; their employees.
Following the presentation Tom, Jeff Bowers (HWPCF Superintendent), and Don Dubiel (HWPCF Crew Leader) lead the group through the HWPCF. The tour began with the on-going headworks upgrades highlighting the recently installed equipment and buildings, with start-up and testing planned for the summer of 2017. The tour continued to the Wet Weather expansion project which is also currently under construction and will allow an increased wet weather capacity at the facility. The tour also highlighted the recently upgraded UV disinfection facility, odor control system, 1.75 MW heat recovery facility, and secondary treatment.
Following the conclusion of the tour, attendees ventured to the Hog River Brewing Co. in Hartford to enjoy craft beer with a great atmosphere. A special thank-you to the MDC for being available on a weekend to conduct the tour and fitting in this event with all their on-going construction.
Article by Colin O’Brien
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