The Water Environment Federation (WEF)’s new Water Advocates website is a quick and easy platform for members to influence Congress and make their voices
heard in regards to legislative issues in the water environment. You can use the “Write your Congressman” tool to electronically submit pre-drafted letters to your Senators and Representatives, or edit/add your own personal message.

Currently, WEF is seeking support for two significant bills pending in Congress. The first call-to-action is urging the House and Senate to increase funding for water infrastructure in the FY 2017 appropriations bills. The second call-to-action urges the Senate to pass the Water Resources Development Act of 2016 (WRDA). As water professionals, NEWEA members can and should be the voice for the water sector before elected officials.
Be a part of the grassroots advocacy at the federal, state, and local levels, and provide advice and guidance on how to engage with your elected officials and the public on important issues impacting the water sector here >>
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