Member Profile : Dr. Udayarka Karra, NEWEA Scholarship Chair
Uday became a member of NEWEA in 2010 when he moved to Connecticut to continue his studies, and pursue a PhD in Environmental Engineering at the University of Connecticut. While studying at UConn he was awarded the NEWEA Scholarship twice, once in 2011 and once in 2013. He graduated with a PhD in Environmental Engineering in 2014 and joined the scholarship committee to help give back to the organization that had supported him in previous years. Uday is passionate about the NEWEA organization and getting young people involved in the organization to support their budding careers. Read More >>
What’s New at NEWEA : Congressional Briefing
On April 12-13 a delegation of NEWEA members, led by Government Affairs Committee Chair Peter Grose and Vice Chair Bob Fischer, traveled to Washington, DC to make a pitch to our Senators and Congressmen for support of clean water in New England and our nation. We had three main focuses on this trip: explaining to our federal legislators what is important to us as water quality professionals, learning more about the status of clean water legislation and building working relationships with our representatives. Read More >>
Announcement : New England Students Head to
National Competition
NEWEA is pleased to announce the 2016 New England Student winners who will compete at the U.S. Stockholm Junior Water Prize (SJWP) national competition that will be held at the University of North Carolina, Charlotte (UNCC), July 17-19.
The Stockholm Junior Water Prize (SJWP) is the world’s most prestigious youth award for a water-related science project. The prize taps into the unlimited potential of today’s high school students as they seek to address current and future water challenges.
Event Recap : Poo & Brew #3 Networking Event
The NEWEA Young Professionals Committee, in association with the NEWWA YP Committee and the NE APWA YP Committee, successfully hosted a third event in the Poo & Brew series.
This time around, the event was held on a beautiful spring afternoon at the Henry King Wastewater Management Facility on A Street in Framingham, MA and concluded at Jack’s Abby Brewery downtown. Read More >>
2016 Risk & Resiliency Conference : A Catalyst for
Continued Action
Attendees left the April 26th conference in Marlborough, Massachusetts, energized by dynamic speakers who shared guidance on how best to manage risk in this world where there is unprecedented levels of uncertainty. Presentations addressed climate change, risk assessment, lessons learned from Tropical Storm Irene in Vermont, new developments and tools from the National Weather Service, training in Active Shooter Response, and a discussion of current and emerging risks by the Department of Homeland Security, the American Waterworks Association and WaterISAC.
Outreach : Kentucky Derby Gala Raises Money for
Water For People
The NEWEA and NEWWA Water for People committees joined forces to host the seventh annual Water for People Gala at Dane Estates in Chestnut Hill, MA. Proceeds from the Water for People Galas are used to help Water for People continue to support locally sustainable programs that provide safe water and sanitation services to over 300 communities throughout Africa, Asia and Central and South America.
This year’s Kentucky Derby Gala raised over $25,000 towards these projects!
On the Safe Side : Participate in Facility Survey by May 15
We would like to thank all of the facilities that returned 2014 work year surveys and we strongly encourage all facilities to return the 2015 survey in order to help us increase the value of its results.
Completed surveys are due no later than May 15, 2016.
As a “thank you” for your time and participation, we will enter each facility name from the completed surveys into a random drawing where six (6) facilities will be chosen to each win a $50 gas gift card. One entry per facility. Participate in Survey >>
Student Outreach : Student Design Competition
The first NEWEA Student Design Competition (SDC) organized by the Student Activities Committee was recently completed. This competition intended to promote “real world” design experience for students interested in pursuing an education and/or careers in water engineering and sciences. The competition tasked teams of student members within NEWEA to design a project that they have worked on together as a team. Student teams submitted written reports and presented their finding in front of judges during the SDC reception and presentation, held on April 27 at Northeastern University. The competing teams were from Northeastern University, University of Rhode Island, and Wentworth Institute of Technology. Read More >>
Calendar of Events : See you there!
June 5-8, 2016
Joint NEWEA & NYWEA Spring Meeting & Exhibit
Mystic Marriott Hotel, Groton, CT
June 30, 2016
POO & BREW #4 Networking Event
Stratford, CT WWTF
August 24, 2016
Plant Technical Session & Tour
Dover, NH WWTF
August 29-31, 2016
International Low Impact Development Conference
Holiday Inn By The Bay, Portland, ME
September 12, 2016
Collection Systems Conference & Exhibit
Holiday Inn, Boxborough, MA
October 3, 2016
Annual Golf Classic Benefit
The Country Club of New Bedford, MA
October 19-20, 2016
Northeast Residuals & Biosolids Conference & Exhibit
Radisson, Cromwell, CT
January 22-25, 2017
Annual Conference & Exhibit
Boston Marriott Copley Place Hotel, Boston, MA
Do you have an item you want to see here or think is newsworthy? Please contact the NEWEA office or Ashley Dunn, Chair of Newsletter Committee at
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