NEWEA Seeks Nominations for Future Leaders

Do you see yourself as a leader in NEWEA or do you know of someone who would be perfect for one of our positions?  Well, if you do, it’s now your turn to step forward and help us shape NEWEA’s future.  The Nominating Committee and the entire Executive Committee encourages you to give serious consideration to nominate a worthy colleague or yourself for one of the current Officer vacancies listed below.  Click the link to view the position’s description.

As an Officer you will be a voting member of the Executive Committee and will use your time and talents along with those of your colleagues to help direct and guide NEWEA into the future.

NEWEA is a dynamic organization that relies heavily on its members to develop and implement its many policies and positions.  By nominating a worthy colleague or yourself, you will become an important part of this vital Association that is so important across all sectors of the water environment.  To see more information please view the organization manual.

Please complete the Online Nomination Form by Friday, June 24, 2016.

Questions on the nominating process, level of commitment, or the position descriptions can be addressed to Mike Bonomo, Chair of the Nominating Committee for clarification.

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