In the Spring 2017 issue of the NEWEA Waterlink Newsletter, we profile one of NEWEA’s young professional members, Matt Brown. Despite being relatively new to the organization, he has jumped in headfirst. Matt is currently active on three committees Young Professionals, Registration and Collection Systems. He is a graduate of Auburn University and a recent transplant to the New England area. Special thanks to Kerry Reed, Registration Committee Chair, for interviewing Matt.
Name: Matt Brown
Company, Position, & brief job description: ADS Environmental Services, Business Development Representative
What made you decide to join NEWEA?
Within days of moving to the New England area I attended the NEWEA/NYWEA Joint Spring Conference in Groton, CT. I was immediately drawn to how close everyone was. I wanted to be a part of that group.
List NEWEA committees on which you participate:
Young Professional Committee
Registration Committee
Collection Systems Committee
What was your favorite thing about the NEWEA Annual Conference?
I really enjoyed being a part of the first YP Summit. As a new member to NEWEA as well as recently becoming part of the water resource industry, it was an awesome opportunity to hear speakers that have been through the similar struggles that are part of starting a career and see the success that have been able to achieve.
What’s your favorite place in New England?
So far my favorite place is the White Mountains. With the leaves changing in the fall, it will be difficult to beat. But as a recent transplant, there are still so many places that I have yet to visit.
Outside of work, what do you do for fun?
Anything outdoors. In the warm months, I spend most of my time fishing and camping. Now that I have snow to enjoy, I have taken up snowboarding.
Morning person or night owl?
Morning Person. I would be asleep at 8:00 PM every night if I could.
Dogs or Cats?
Easy! Dogs! My family just got a new puppy in early March!
Book or Movie?
Books! My consistent yearly read is the Lord of the Rings Trilogy.
What’s one thing you couldn’t live without?
Sunlight. I love being in the sun. The most difficult part of moving from the south to the north has been the shorter days. I will be taking full advantage of the sun in the upcoming months as the days get longer.
Provide a fun fact about yourself:
Up until moving to New England, I had never seen a foot of snow total in my life. Now since moving here, I have seen single storms where a foot has fallen. I am told that this has not even been a tough winter! While everyone is frustrated with shoveling snow, I am loving it!
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