NEWEA Humanitarian Grant Assists Students at Clarke School

In 2015, three community organizations were awarded stipends to support their projects as part of the NEWEA Humanitarian Assistance Grant Program. One of the recipients, Clarke School for Hearing and Speech, located in Northampton, Massachusetts, sought $1,000 to improve the curriculum and materials available to teachers to educate their students about the environment.

This week, NEWEA received a thank-you note from the Lead Teacher at the Clarke School, Kathleen Shea.  Kathleen expressed her gratitude for the allotment and described how the grant had improved the students’ environmental education.

NEWEA would like to thank Kathleen Shea for the heartwarming thank-you note and photos, and congratulate Clarke on their successes implementing the new materials and programs in the past year. The full letter can be found below.

Any group seeking funding for a project, educational program, or other humanitarian interest is encouraged to check back later for the 2017 Humanitarian Assistance Grant, and stay tuned for updates on our Facebook and Twitter pages.ClarkeSchool







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