Submit an Abstract! Abstracts pertaining to the management of biosolids, organic residuals, resource recovery and efficiency are being requested for the coming Northeast Residuals & Biosolids Conference, October 19-20, 2016 in Cromwell, CT. Preferred abstracts are those that provide clear results from full-scale operations or comprehensive pilot projects and research and/or summarize significant developments and/or generally advance the profession.
- Regulatory changes affecting biosolids and biosolids management in New England and
adjoining states & Canadian provinces
- Adapting to the new EPA air emissions MACT standards for SSIs and other regulatory changes
- Regulations & practices for solids management in Connecticut & Rhode Island (and other New England states and adjoining Canadian provinces)
- Public outreach & communications in managing biosolids
- Wastewater plants as resource recovery facilities – energy & biosolids utilization, sustainability
- Biosolids, organic and inorganic residual products
- Nutrient management (e.g. phosphorus)
- Academic research
- Emerging technologies
- Microconstituents in residuals and residuals products
- The financial realities of residuals and biosolids management
- Public/Private partnerships
- And more!
Abstract Deadline is Friday, June 24
For more information visit our site.
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