Join us on Monday, January 25th for the Opening Session (11 AM- 12PM) of our Annual Conference & Exhibit to listen to George Hawkins of DC Water describe the challenges they have been facing, and how it’s enthusiastically embracing a far-reaching effort to build a new water utility that can become a powerful and sustainable enterprise long into the future.
Mr. Hawkins is Chief Executive Officer and General Manager of the District of Columbia Water and Sewer Authority (DC Water). DC Water provides drinking water delivery and wastewater collection and treatment for the District of Columbia, and treats wastewater for millions in several Maryland and Virginia suburbs. The Authority operates the world’s largest advanced wastewater treatment plant at Blue Plains. Under Hawkins’ leadership, DC Water has launched a vast 10-year program to improve aging infrastructure and comply with ever more stringent regulatory requirements. DC Water is designing and implementing three massive environmental projects that total in excess of $4 billion.
Admittance into the Opening Session is included with all Full Conference, One Day Monday, and Public Employee Registrations. If you aren’t registered for the conference, please register here.
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