This year NEWEA began hosting Student Engagement Lunch and Learns at local colleges and university throughout New England. As many of your know, we held our September 15th Executive Committee Meeting (ECM) at Worcester Polytechnic Institute (WPI). Immediately following the ECM, we held a lunch and learn for the engineering and environmental students of WPI. The Students heard from several WPI Alumni as they spoke about their careers and roles within NEWEA and how NEWEA has enhanced their professional life. Through this gathering students learned about the NEWEA organization, the importance of being an active member of a professional organization and had a chance talk and ask questions one-on-one with alumni. Thanks to the leadership of NEWEA Vice President, Jim Barsanti, Assistant DPW Director in Framingham MA, and the support of WPI Professors: Dr. John Bergendahl, Director of the Environmental Engineering Program and Dr. Paul Mathisen, Associate Professor, Civil & Environmental Engineering, the event was a success.
Thanks also to the NEWEA member speakers:
President – Matt Formica, AECOM
Former President – Dan Bisson, CDM Smith
Student Activities Chair – Annalisa Onnis-Hayden, Northeastern University
Committee Appreciation Chair – Dan Roop, Tighe and Bond
Member – Brian Manter, City of Somerville, MA
Our next Student Engagement Lunch and Learn will be during the CSO/Wet Weather Issues Conference, Exhibit and Tour on October 26 or 27, 2015 at the University of Massachusetts Lowell Inn and Conference Center.
If you are interested in participating in the UMass Lowell Student Engagement Lunch and Learns, please contact Mary Barry, Executive Director at
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