2022 Spring Meeting
NEWEASpr22_Session3_AJin - Resilience and Efficiency in Interconnected Infrastructure Andrew Jin, US Army Corps of Engineers
NEWEASpr22_Session3_ASmith - Mitigating Sunshine Flooding in the City by the Sea Andrew Smith, Wright-Pierce
NEWEASpr22_Session3_KMassey_NPatrozza - Sanitary Collection System Resiliency Through Comprehensive CMOM Program Karina Massey, Jacobs Nicole Patrozza, Jacobs
NEWEASpr22_Session3_WChandler - Accelerating the Fortification of Coastal Pump Stations with Grant Funding in Marion, MA William Chandler, Weston & Sampson
NEWEASpr22_Session4_DJones_KCamacho - Improving Project Delivery Using Online GIS & BI at Nashua, NH Devon Jones, Hazen and Sawyer Kenneth Camacho, Hazen and Sawyer
NEWEASpr22_Session4_DWinterburn - Federal Funding Update: What’s New, What to Expect, and How to Prepare Jessica Richard, Woodard & Curran Dee Winterburn, Woodard & Curran
NEWEASpr22_Session4_ROsborn_BHayes - The Goldilocks Question—Finding the Right Asset Management Software Rachel Osborn, Woodard & Curran Bradley Hayes, Woodard & Curran
NEWEASpr22_Session4_VHawkes 52422 - Where Do We Begin to Spend All This Money? Prioritizing Capital Expenditures with Asset Management Daniel Roop, Tighe & Bond Victoria Hawkes, Tighe & Bond
NEWEASpr22_Session5_BBaumgaretel - Funding Options for Decentralized Systems Brian Baumgaertel, MASSTC
NEWEASpr22_Session5_JEllersick - OxyPower HTC—Innovative Thermal Technology Based on Hydrothermal Carbonization John Ellersick, Next Rung Technology