2015 Northeast Residuals & Biosolids Conference

8-Khiari_Hebert_BiosolidsPhosphorusAvailability-NESymposium-19Oct2015 - Biosolids Phosphorus Plant Availability Modeling – Lotfi Khiari, Université Laval & Marc Hébert, Quebec Ministry of Sustainable Development, Environment and the Fight Against Climate Change

9-HebertKhiari-SludgeAshAsPFertilizer-NESymposium-19Oct2015 - Sludge Ash as Chemical Phosphorus Fertilizer – Marc Hébert, Quebec MDDELCC

Res15_Agenda - Agenda for Northeast Residuals & Biosolids Symposium at BioCycle REFOR15, October 19, 2015, Doubletree Hotel, Danvers, MA