Archive | Events

NEWEA Announces 2016 New England Student Finalists

NEWEA is proud to announce the New England winners for 2016: Connecticut – Lauren Pawlowski & Courtney Litts “The Effects of Pollutants on Aquatic Life”. Maine – Paige Brown “Constructing Low Cost Calcium Alginate Based Scaffolds for Pollutant Reduction” Massachusetts – Lillian Cain “Washing Fertilizer: Engineering Greywater for Reuse in Hydroponic Systems” New Hampshire – […]

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NEWEA Announces 2017 Annual Conference & Exhibit

New England’s Largest Water Quality Event! January 22-25, 2017 NEWEA’s three-day technical conference and exhibit consistantly attracts 2000+ water quality professionals and features 200+ exhibit displays and 33 technical sessions covering practical applications, project experience and lessons learned in all areas of the wastewater industry. View the 2017 Annual Conference Preliminary Program WHAT’S NEW?  NEWEA […]

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NEWEA Focused on Risk & Resiliency at its Utility Management Conference

The Utility Management Committee sponsored a one-day conference on Managing Risk & Resiliency in Marlborough, Massachusetts on April 26, 2016 at the Best Western Royal Plaza Hotel.  The event was prompted by the natural disasters and malevolent events that seem to be ever present and increasing in our society today. Compounding these challenges is aging […]

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NEWEA Goes to Washington

A delegation of NEWEA members, led by our Government Affairs Committee Chair Peter Grose, traveled to Washington, DC in mid-April to make a pitch to our Senators and Congressmen for support of clean water in New England and our nation. We had three main focuses on this trip; explaining to our federal legislators what is […]

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NEWEA Held Its 10th Annual Planning Session in March

NEWEA convened its 10th Annual Planning Session on March 6th and 7th in Manchester NH. As in past years, the primary goal of this Planning Session was to improve the Association to benefit our members and the interests of the water quality professions. Participation was open to all NEWEA members. This year the Planning Session […]

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NEWEA Hosts Student Engagement Lunch and Learns

This year NEWEA began hosting Student Engagement Lunch and Learns at local colleges and university throughout New England. As many of your know, we held our September 15th Executive Committee Meeting (ECM) at Worcester Polytechnic Institute (WPI). Immediately following the ECM, we held a lunch and learn for the engineering and environmental students of WPI. […]

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NEWEA Joins WEF for National Water Policy Fly-In

Working for Water Quality NEWEA will be participating in the National Water Policy Fly-in in Washington, DC on March 21-22, 2017   Come to the Capitol to join with WEF, NACWA, AWWA, WERF and other organizations to support water quality and to dialog with Congressional representatives from the New England states.   We’re at a critical […]

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NEWEA Operations Challenge Teams Excel at WEFTEC 2015

At the NEWEA Spring Meeting this past June, four teams participated in the New England Operations Challenge. Three of those teams represented NEWEA at WEFTEC in Chicago including; Force Maine (Maine), the Seacoast Sewer Snakes (New Hampshire) and Ocean State Alliance (Rhode Island). Our teams competed against 42 teams from across North America as well […]

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NEWEA Spring Meeting & Exhibit – Room Block Open

Join us at the Omni Mount Washington Resort in Bretton Woods, New Hampshire for NEWEA’s Annual Spring Meeting & Exhibit, June 7-10, 2015.  This three-day event is filled with technical sessions, tours, operations challenge and more.  Watch for further information. The room block is now open!  Reserve your room under the NEWEA Group and receive […]

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