The CSO/Wet Weather Issues Committee focuses on wet weather related issues including policies regarding combined sewer overflows (CSO), sanitary sewer overflows (SSO), and stormwater discharges and educating members and the general public on the technical, legislative, financial, and regulatory aspects of these issues. One of our goals is to hold a periodic Specialty Conference to […]
Author Archive | jmoran
Committee Spotlight: GLSD Poo and Brew
The New England Water Environment Association (NEWEA) Young Professional (YP) committee held another successful Poo and Brew at the Greater Lawrence Sanitary District (GLSD) wastewater treatment facility in North Andover, MA. The Massachusetts Water Pollution Control Association (MWPCA) YP committee also co-sponsored this event. Over 35 water professionals from across New England toured the GLSD […]
Compete in NEWEA’s Student Design Competition
Calling all Undergraduate and Graduate students! Are you completing a capstone project? Consider participating in NEWEA’s 2nd Annual Student Design Competition (SDC). The SDC promotes “real world” design experience for students interested in water engineering and sciences. The Student Design Competition (SDC) is based on problems relating to the environmental field. Student design teams will compete in […]
Congratulations to the NEWEA/WEF 2016 Award Recipients
NEWEA is pleased to announce the 2016 NEWEA/WEF Award Recipients who will be honored at the Awards Ceremony on Wednesday, January 25, 2017 during the prestigious Annual Conference & Exhibit in Boston, Massachusetts. If you’d like to support your fellow colleague and attend the awards ceremony, please make sure to register and purchase an awards ticket.
CT’s Wastewater Appreciation Day is May 24th
Deer Island 2018 Teacher Training Workshop
The NEWEA Public Education Committee hosted a Teacher Training Workshop on Tuesday, August 14, 2018 at MWRA’s Deer Island Wastewater Treatment Plant. About 40 elementary and high school teachers participated in the event which included a tour of Deer Island, a presentation on the NEWEA school program with watershed and floodplain model demonstrations, a workshop […]
Deer Island Dash 5K Raises Over $5000 for Water For People
New England Water Works Association and New England Water Environment Association Water For People Committees joined forces this year to coordinate a new fundraising event—a 5K road race to benefit Water For People. With committee members Mary White, Renie Jesanis, and Victoria Hawkes championing the event, the committees hosted the inaugural Deer Island Dash 5K […]
Do you have a SAFETY goal?
Do you have a SAFETY goal? By David Wright, CSHO People are always trying to kind, funny, and clever ways to promote safety and raise awareness. Here is my attempt – Do you have SAFETY (Safety Awareness For Everyone This Year)? I know, I can hear the groans. But the fact remains that one of […]
Do you have a SAFETY goal? Part 2
Continuing from the article that posted on May 5, 2018 Safety is an important aspect of any job, something that needs raised awareness and promotion. One of the most effective ways to promote safety within any work place is to continually keep safety at the forefront by reminding employees that by working safely you can […]
DPW Tragedy – Tollman CT employee killed in line of duty. Show your support.
Greetings,We have some sad news to share with you. There has been another work related death of a public works employee. Thursday, shortly before noon David Rizdon, age 50, of Willington, CT working for the Tolland, CT DPW was killed while performing road repair work. The New England Chapter of APWA’s Executive Board is working […]