On May 7, 2016 the NEWEA and NEWWA Water for People committees joined forces to host the seventh annual Water for People Gala at Dane Estates in Chestnut Hill, MA. Since the first gala held in 2004 this bi-annual event has raised more than $215,000. Proceeds from the Water for People Galas are used to help Water for People continue to support locally sustainable programs that provide safe water and sanitation services to over 300 communities through Africa, Asia and Central and South America. This year’s Gala raised over $25,000 towards these projects!
Attendees arrived at the Gala dressed to impress in fancy hats, seersucker suits and jockey outfits. Prizes were awarded for Kirsten King, NEWWA for the fanciest hat of the evening and to Robert Sims, CDR Maguire as best dressed for his impersonation of Colonel Sanders.
A 50/50 raffle was held during the derby and Jay Peterson was announced the winner after “the most exciting 2 minutes in sports” was run. Jay generously donated his portion of the winnings to Water for People raising the overall proceeds from the raffle to $760!
Guest speak Vicky Anderson, Water for People’s Community Engagement Manager, travelled from California to attend the event and gave a speech describing the impact of the programs currently run by Water for People and its mission of safe water for Everyone Forever.
The Strungout Playboys provided musical entertainment throughout the evening. In one of the night’s final songs the band modified the words to Johnny Cash’s “I’ve Been Everywhere” to “We’ll Work Everywhere,” substituting the locations in the song’s lyrics with countries that Water for People works in and highlighting Water for People’s mission of ‘Everyone Forever’.
The Water for People Committee would like to thank everyone that attended the event and helped make it a success! A special thanks goes to Charlie Tyler, MWRA for donating his photography skills, the Strungout Playboys, the committee’s members who volunteered their time to organize the event and all of this year’s sponsors!
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